i don't really know what this post is about yet. i thought maybe for once in a long time i should actually write something instead of posting a video or pictures or something to that effect. so, maybe i'll just ramble until i can think of a clear focus and goal for this post. in the meantime, have you ever wondered what life would be like if there were other added dimensions? such as if there was not only male and female, but also a third gender...symale? i don't really know. but wouldn't that just turn the whole entire world in a completely different spin than it is now? how would marriage work, or would we even have marriage? if we didn't, how would we repopulate the earth? it's all very confusing and mind-boggling. on a lighter and even more pointless topic...what if there was naturally a different style of hair? instead of just straight, curly, wavy, frizzy, and i guess corkscrew...what about diamond hair in the actual shape of diamonds hanging from your head? or maybe having naturally jagged hair that looked kind of like lightning bolts? can you even imagine how hilarious that would look?! i'm sure everyone's thought of the possibility of having only one eye in the middle of your face...so i won't dwell on that one. but what about if we had ten more letters in our alphabet? that would completely change our whole language...not to mention the fact that i can't even imagine what other letters would be like and what they would sound like. i hope one of them wouldn't be a rolling-your-r's sound because i wouldn't be very good at english then! one of the ultimate wondering in my thoughts, however, is what if we were incapable to feel or show any emotion. this world would be the most boring and unworthy place to live. emotion is what connects us to other people. we can detect what they are thinking through their emotions and feelings. if we had no emotion, i guess that also means that we also would be extremely limited in our methods of communication. you would have to directly tell someone what you were thinking, but even then, since you have no feeling, you wouldn't be happy or sad and etc. you could think thoughts such as, "i'm going to go outside now," but it wouldn't be linked with any reason other than that's what you decided to do. not because you felt like it...because you don't have internal feelings. i'm not talking about feelings such as the sense of touch, but feelings in your brain...being exuberant or bored or ecstatic. all in all, i'm glad that God thought of all these issues when he created this world. and if only a few differences in our world could throw it off so much, think how many trillions more He had to think through to make our world work. it's pretty amazing! just imagine how much MORE amazing heaven will be and how many more things God has and will think through to make it spectacular! it will be something i don't want to miss out on, and i hope you don't either! so i guess this is where my thoughts have lead me...hopefully at some point throughout this thing my rambling became an actual focus. in any case, i think wondering is good for the mind. once you wonder once, it becomes addictive and your brain gets flooded with many more wonders. see where your brain leads you when you allow yourself to wonder...i dare you to try it...