Wednesday, August 5, 2009

blogging time: random things...

it's time to blog again. i miss southern! i can't wait to go back, except for facing the humidity. it'll be nice to get away from the smokiness of kelowna though, due to kajillions of fires in the area. well ok, not quite THAT many, but everywhere you go there seems to be another fire. the weird thing is that the biggest fire currently in bc is at this mountain which i quaded to the top of a mere 5 weeks ago. when the fire started it was only 2 weeks after i had been there. anyways at least i have pictures on the mountain proving i've been there. on another note, im sipping the world's biggest slurpee right now. tyler got this humongous slurpee jug at 7-eleven and filled it up the whole way. he couldn't drink it all so he passed it off to ali and me. by now it's basically orangey water. at work i'm inserting a bunch of new cabinet sizes into spreadsheets. extremely thrilling i know. oh well. my playlist just changed to owl city, so that's a bright spot in the day. which reminds me that a bunch of us are going to an owl city concert in atlanta in september! it's gonna be AWESOME! what isn't awesome is that i have my rcm music history 4 exam in 2 days. when i did theory and history in high school i always did the courses in lessons over the span of a year. but this time i'm doing it on my own and i started about a month ago...ya procrastination loves me. so i'm a little freaked out, but i hope it'll go ok. once the exam's done (if i pass) then i can finally get my official certificates for my grade 10 violin and grade 10 piano yay for that! anyways the last random thing i have to say is that i ate some watermelon the other day. that's it for now, so goodbye till next time...


Tyler said...

Hehe you're so funny. You're welcome for the slurpee.

Ali said...

Yay, you posted again! Ty walking in with that huge Slurpee container was pretty astonishing. Good luck on your RCM exam.